Articles by Industry Expert

Caring for What’s Been Coded

By Dr. Jay Anders – In a Forbes Technology Council article earlier this year, my colleague Medicomp CEO Dave Lareau discussed how the industry was abuzz with talk about how providers and health plans can “optimize” risk-adjusted payments for Medicare Advantage, and the associated “upcoding” to qualify for higher risk scores.

Faster Adoption of the Best Care for Everyone

New On Demand Dr. Nick: The Incrementalist: With guest Tom Stanis, CEO of StoryHealth, a company that combines virtual care, remote monitoring, and AI to bridge the data gap between health system specialists, primary care doctors, and patients to extend care for patients with…

Creating Info-Sharing Clarity Amidst Confusion

By Kim Boyd – Not much time has passed since the ONC’s October 6th information-blocking rule expanded the definition of electronic health information. Hailed by many in the social media sphere as “Data Liberation Day,” the expansion of the rule is the culmination of a two-year process…

Two Sides of the AI/ML Coin in Health Care

By Kathryn Marchesini, Jeff Smith, & Jordan Everson – As we’ve previously discussed, algorithms—step by step instructions (rules) to perform a task or solve a problem, especially by a computer—have been widely used in health care for decades. One clear use of these algorithms is through evidence-based, clinical decision support interventions.