Articles by Healthcare NOW Radio Host

Mind the Gap (in Care)

New On Demand Healthcare Upside/Down: With guest Tony Willoughby, CEO of Stellus Rx. They discuss using technology to empower care teams and improve coordination for patients.

Whatever Happened to the Wonder Years?

New On Demand Healthcare Upside/Down: With guest Monika Roots, MD, Co-Founder, President, and Chief Medical Officer of Bend Health. They discuss phones at the dinner table, social determinants of health, and the lingering effects of the pandemic on adolescent mental health.

The Last Mile of Care Delivery

New On Demand Dr. Nick: The Incrementalist: With guest Louis Mendiola, Director of Provider Partnerships at MedArrive. Louis shares his origin story growing up in rural Nevada in a town called Winnemucca which provided him with great insight into the challenges of delivering local care.