Articles by Industry News

Survey Says Fewer Than 2 in 10 Hospitals Regularly Use Patient-Reported Outcomes

72% of hospitals with limited or no Patient-Reported Outcomes Tracking say they will implement it within 1-3 years. CMS recently began using a new yardstick to calculate how much providers should be paid: a patient’s own view of their health. First incorporated into a new CMS program designed to lower the cost of knee and hip replacements, patient-reported outcomes, or PROs, may soon become far more widespread.

HIE Data Supporting Value-Based Care Management in Colorado

Community Health Partnership in Colorado Springs is a large Regional Care Collaborative Organization working in four counties with more than 40 provider practices, area hospitals, community mental health centers, public health, EMS and others. They began enrolling Medicaid beneficiaries in 2011 and immediately set out to solve technology-related problems including