Articles by Jim Tate

OIG Escalates Meaningful Use Audits of Hospitals

By Jim Tate – The Office of Inspector General (OIG) continues to aggressively audit eligible hospitals (EH) for their CMS EHR Incentive attestations. This week I received documents related to an audit recently initiated against a Medicaid EH. As far as the location goes, let’s just say it is west of the Mississippi River.

Meaningful Use Audits 2.0

By Jim Tate – Most of us have gotten pretty used to the Meaningful Use (MU) audits being conducted by Figliozzi & Company. They are the folks that have been conducting the CMS EHR Incentive audits for both eligible hospitals (EH) and professionals (EP) involved in the Medicare or dually-eligible Medicare/Medicaid EHR incentive programs.

OIG Announces Multi-year Meaningful Use Audits Coming Soon

By Jim Tate – Lost in the furor and excitement of the recently released Proposed Stage 3 MU Rule something slipped by us. Robert Frost would say it “came on little cat feet”. John Lennon would say it came in “like a lizard on a window pane”. What is it that crept in through the cracks in the floor and why should we care?

Sumo Wrestling and the Art of Patient Engagement

By Jim Tate – I can’t help it. Whenever I hear the term “patient engagement” I think about sumo wrestling. I’m not sure why but maybe it is that I associate “engage” with combat. You know, “engage the enemy”. 2015 is set to be the “Year of Patient Engagement” in most people’s book.