The Arrival of Meaningful Use Audits
Eligible Providers: Meaningful Use Audits It comes in the mail: “This letter is to inform you that your organization has been selected by the CMS…
Read MoreEligible Providers: Meaningful Use Audits It comes in the mail: “This letter is to inform you that your organization has been selected by the CMS…
Read MoreFour Areas of Concern in EHR Adoption Sun Tzu in the Art of War two thousand years ago taught the importance of preparation and adaption…
Four Core Tenets of Meaningful Use I recently attended the Medical Group Management Association’s (MGMA) 2012 Annual Conference in San Antonio. It was my first…
What are the Key EHR Training Strategies? Ron Sterling Sterling Solutions Author: Keys to EMR/EHR Success Too many practices are struggling with performance and productivity…
Rest in Peace The Good, they do die young. Well maybe not always, but way too often. A broken dream, an early love, an opportunity…
2014 Meaningful Use: A Gift to Providers and Vendors The rules and regulations regarding Stage 2 Meaningful Use for both Eligible Hospitals (EHs) and Eligible Professionals…
Meaningful Use Incentive Audits The chickens are coming home to roost. I wrote blog posts in June and December 2011 focused on potential audits for…
Informatics Central to a Learning Healthcare System William Hersh, MD Professor and Chair, OHSU Blog: Informatics Professor Some of the most important reports for setting the…
ACOs Change Delivery of Care by Improving Quality The Accountable Care Organization (ACO) aims to change the way hospitals deliver care by changing the financial…