HIMSS17 in Orlando Florida
HIMSS17 will be held in Orlando February 19-23. Check out these sessions and events focusing on interoperability.
Read MoreHIMSS17 will be held in Orlando February 19-23. Check out these sessions and events focusing on interoperability.
Read MoreBy Kate Goodrich, MD – I am pleased to announce that the CMS is notifying eligible hospitals and critical access hospitals participating in the Hospital Inpatient Quality Reporting and/or the Medicare EHR Incentive Programs of a deadline extension.
Welcome to Talent Tuesday. Check back each week as we highlight job opportunities and tips from the healthcare IT recruitment specialists at Greythorn. Today’s opportunity is an Epic Security Analyst.
By Justin Barnes – In the inaugural reporting year of MACRA’s new Quality Payment Program, quality measures and clinical practice improvement activities will collectively account for 85 percent of MIPS composite scores for healthcare providers.
Don’t miss the HIMSS swag this year. Lots to do and win! Drawings, receptions, cocktails, meetups, and more. Here is a start of what we have found. See you in Orlando!
By Irv Lichtenwald – As 2017 begins, around 81 percent of Americans live in urban areas, up from 79 percent in 2000. At the same time, urban and suburban areas where vacant land exists (so, not you, San Francisco) have been expanding, redefining what used to be rural.
By Susan Biddle – A hot topic in healthcare IT discussions these days is the inevitable move of secure data to the cloud, and for good reason. Providing medical care has truly become a consumer market for hospitals and other healthcare institutions.
Welcome to Talent Tuesday. Check back each week as we highlight job opportunities and tips from the healthcare IT recruitment specialists at Greythorn. Today’s opportunity is an Associate Director Epic Revenue Cycle.
HIMSS17 will be held in Orlando February 19-23. Check out these sessions and events focusing on MACRA and the CMS Quality Payment Program.