Articles by Roberta Mullin

HIE Rundown 6-24-16

The job will not be complete until all health records are digital and interoperable. Here’s what’s happening to make that reality: Orion Health and Koble-MN, Redox interoperating with EHRs, new DirectTrust partnership for patients program, and MedBridge partners with Raintree Systems.

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ONC Publishes New Reports on Health IT Safety

By Andrew Gettinger MD – Safety is and always has been a top priority at ONC. We have incorporated safety into the ONC Health IT Certification Program and our guiding documents, the Federal Health IT Strategic Plan: 2015 – 2020 and Shared Nationwide Interoperability Roadmap.

HIPAA Compliance Audits Prioritized in 2017 Fiscal Budget

By Bob Grant – The Obama administration submitted its budget proposal for fiscal-year 2017. The OCR Budget in Brief details the increased budget–$1.15 trillion of which is allotted for HHS. $43 million of these funds will go to the Office for Civil Rights, and $82 million will go to the ONC.

Talent Tuesday: Now Hiring!

Welcome to Talent Tuesday. Check back each week as we highlight job opportunities and tips from the healthcare IT recruitment specialists at Greythorn. Today’s opportunity is a Willow Project Manager in the Pacific NW in the state of Washington.

Health IT Appointments and Hires

Check out the latest announcements made from companies and organizations on the hiring and appointments in the healthcare and health IT industry. SA Ignite hires Senior Vice President of Products and Justin Barnes has joined iHealth as Partner and Chief Growth Officer.