Articles by Roberta Mullin

MACRA News and Commentary

CMS released a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) for MACRA. Comments are due no later than 5 p.m. on June 27, 2016. You can submit or review comments on Until then, here is what is in the news along with more information, events, and commentary on the rule.

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We Need B2B Innovation to Contain Rising Healthcare Costs

By Morris Panner – Love it or hate it, Obamacare didn’t address the cost side of healthcare. Expanded coverage won’t accomplish much if we Americans can’t afford it. Today, nothing is more important than figuring out how our healthcare system can provide quality care at a competitive price. But healthcare is a rotary phone in the iPhone age.

Pitching Medicaid IT in Silicon Valley

By Andy Slavitt – Earlier this year, I announced a new effort to connect new, innovative companies and their investors to the state Medicaid program IT space. Since this announcement, I have been encouraged by the initial interest from companies that may not have otherwise ever thought about participating in this important health insurance program that covers more than 72 million Americans.

Talent Tuesday: Now Hiring!

Welcome to Talent Tuesday. Check back each week as we highlight job opportunities and tips from the healthcare IT recruitment specialists at Greythorn. Today’s opportunity is