Articles by Roberta Mullin

HIE Rundown 5-27-16

Here’s what’s happening to make that reality – ZeOmega and McKesson announce strategic partnership to advance payer-provider collaboration; Military Health System improving, expanding information sharing; HIMSS Health Information Exchange community opens the HIE Measures & Enterprise survey

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MACRA News and Commentary

CMS released a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) for MACRA. Comments are due no later than 5 p.m. on June 27, 2016. You can submit or review comments on Until then, here is what is in the news along with more information, events, and commentary on the rule.

CMS Approves Alpha II as a 2016 PQRS Registry

Alpha II, LLC, a leading developer of software platforms, software as a service and publications that support the healthcare revenue cycle, announced that it has been qualified by The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services as a Physician Quality Reporting System Registry for the 2016 PQRS program year.

Talent Tuesday: Now Hiring!

Welcome to Talent Tuesday. Check back each week as we highlight job opportunities and tips from the healthcare IT recruitment specialists at Greythorn. Today’s opportunity is an Epic claims and remittance coordinator.

$2.2 Million OCR Settlement for Egregious Disclosure of PHI

By Bob Grant – The HHS Office for Civil Rights announced that NY Presbyterian Hospital would be required to pay a $2.2M settlement after the “egregious disclosure” of two patients’ protected health information. NYP allowed an ABC film crew and staff from the show “NY Med” to film two patients, one of whom was dying, and another experiencing serious distress.

Health Datapalooza Highlights and Recaps

The annual Health Datapalooza focused on liberating health data, and bringing together the companies, startups, academics, government agencies, and individuals with the newest and most innovative and effective uses of health data to improve patient outcomes. Here are some highlights and recaps.

Regional Extension Centers Closing

The HITECH Act awarded grants for HIT Regional Extension Centers and a national HIT Research Center. A total of 62 awards were granted. As the goals and the programs have been achieved, many of the centers are changing directions or closing all together. Here is news on centers that are closing.