Articles by Roberta Mullin

Sharing Healthcare Infographics

Using a picture and visual graphics to represent data and information is called an infographic. It is a great way to display statistical data that shows comparisons or charts that come from research and reports. Here are some we thought were interesting enough to share.

The Audits Are Coming! The Audits Are Coming!

By Bob Grant – As of March 22, 2016, the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) has officially begun their Phase 2 HIPAA Privacy, Security, and Breach Notification Audit Program. This announcement comes after months of speculation and preparation for the eventual roll-out of this new program. Luckily, with Compliancy Group you won’t have to go it alone.

Enabling Clinical-Grade Health Management Devices

By Waqaas Al-Siddiq – Wearables 2.0: How Technology Advancements Will Enable Clinical-Grade Health Management Devices. The pressures and stresses associated with a competitive lifestyle, coupled with convenient and often unhealthy eating choices, pose a myriad of problems that far surpass what previous generations have experienced.

Talent Tuesday: Now Hiring!

Welcome to Talent Tuesday. Check back each week as we highlight job opportunities and tips from the healthcare IT recruitment specialists at Greythorn. Today’s opportunity is a PB Claims and Remittance Analyst for a new Epic implementation. Check it out.