Articles by Roberta Mullin

Our Bags Are Packed

We are heading to Vegas for the biggest conference and exhibition in healthcare information and technology. The Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society or as we know it, HIMSS will be hosting their annual conference Feb. 29 through March 4th.

Debuting at #HIMSS16

With over 1300 vendors exhibiting at this year’s HIMSS, there will be more than any one person can take in during the five days. It has always been an opportunity for organizations to debut products and make major announcements. Here are some we have caught wind of.

Will CMS Efforts be Enough to Buoy Rural Healthcare?

By Irv H. Lichtenwald – Imagine you’re living in Brooklyn and you have a medical emergency. If the hospital nearest you, say Lutheran Medical Center, were to close, you could go to Maimonides or New York Methodist a short taxi or ambulance ride away. Not so in rural US.

Understanding and Leveraging the 2016 OIG Work Plan

By Robert Freedman – In 2015, the OIG recovered more than $3B in audit and investigative receivables as a result of their oversight activities. That’s great news for taxpayers but not so wonderful for the many hundreds of provider organizations that had to dip into their shrinking revenues to come up with these repayments.