Articles by Roberta Mullin

#HIMSS16 Tips and Guides from the Experts

First time or long time attendee, it is always good to know what you are getting into heading to the annual HIMSS Conference. It doesn’t seem possible but each year gets bigger and better. Don’t go without a plan and take in some of these tips and guides to get the most out of the experience.

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News & Updates from CMS

CMS is reporting these events, updates and deadlines for providers. These items focus on the agency’s financial and payment responsibilities to providers. Read and sign up for the CMS weekly newsletter MLN Connects® Provider eNews for the most current news.

How to Respond to a Stolen Device

By Steve Spearman – When we look at all of the high profile HIPAA breaches that happened in the past year, it’s easy to think that HIPAA breaches only happen at large practices, or at least that they only happen to other large practices. it’s easy to think that a security breach cannot happen to your practice until after the breach has happened.

As Health IT Matures, Security Approaches Must Mature With It

By Irv H. Lichtenwald – Not that long ago, healthcare worried mostly about the physical loss of personal health information (PHI) by way of a lost thumb drive, a stolen laptop, some misplaced paper files. These were the primary concerns in HIMSS initial 2008 security survey.
Five years later, the largest healthcare security breaches came from cyber attacks not lost or stolen devices.

‘@HITAdvisor Asks – What Inspires You?

Each week, Justin Barnes, aka the @HITAdvisor, hosts This Just In, his radio show which is broadcast on Healthcare NOW radio. On this 30-minute informative program, Justin and his guests shed light on the latest trends, strategy and innovations impacting healthcare, technology and even entrepreneurialism in America.