Articles by Roberta Mullin

Spotlight on VITL – Vermont Information Technology Leaders

By Joanna Cummings – When was the last time you got excited about reading an article or book on technology? If the answer is “all the time” then consider yourself in the minority. Technology is the backbone that makes everyday tasks from online bank transactions to a Facebook ‘Like’ seamless, without the end user needing to know about how their data is collected, stored and transferred.

How is the iPad EHR Transforming Care Delivery?

By Alex Tate – The use of mobile technology has expanded significantly, and according to the Cisco Visual Networking Index, by 2016 there will be 10 billion mobile devices in use worldwide. With the introduction of 3G and 4G, advances in technology have impacted and transformed service delivery and changed the way consumers access information and conduct transactions.

The Unfulfilled Expectations of the EHR and Clinical Communications

By Terry Edwards – Since the era of meaningful use began more than five years ago, healthcare providers have made great strides in implementing electronic health records (EHRs) within their facilities. The EHR market is now in the billions of dollars annually in the U.S. alone, and estimates that $22.5 billion in incentives will be paid to providers for adoption of EHR technology between the years of 2011-2022.

PQRS – Understanding the why, not the how

By Peggy Losey – PQRS is the tool that will measure the success of treatment efforts. Applying PQRS strategies will allow measurement of, adjustment of, and treatment modifications, should outcomes indicate that an alternative treatment option may support a better outcome.

HIE Rundown 6-3-15

This week’s Rundown includes Omnicell enhances its Unity enterprise platform, TIBCO Software has entered into a marketing agreement with Secure Exchange Solutions, & DataMotion continues strong momentum in healthcare.