Articles by Roberta Mullin

The New World of Healthcare Cybercrime

By Lee Kim – In healthcare, the number and volume of the breaches are ever increasing. For many of these breaches, phishing is the initial point of compromise. The human tends to be the weakest link and so hackers tend to exploit the low hanging fruit. Much of the information which is exfiltrated ends up on the black market (e.g., medical identity information, intellectual property, financial information, etc.).

Ready for an OIG Security Audit?

By Elana Zana – At HIMSS15 in Chicago I had the pleasure of speaking with my colleague, Dave Schoolcraft, regarding the OIG Security Audits. These in depth security audits conducted not by the OCR or CMS, but rather the Office of Inspector General, delve into the security systems of Eligible Hospitals (and potentially Eligible Professionals) participating in the EHR Incentive Program.