HIMSS15 Keynote Speakers Include President George W. Bush
In George W. Bush’s State of the Union Address on January 20, 2004, the President outlined his plan to ensure most Americans were on electronic…
Read MoreIn George W. Bush’s State of the Union Address on January 20, 2004, the President outlined his plan to ensure most Americans were on electronic…
Read MoreKareo, provider of cloud-based software and services for independent medical practices, today announced the acquisition of DoctorBase, a practice marketing and patient communications solution. The…
By Dr. Patrick Conway – CMS released the 2015 National Impact Assessment of Quality Measures Report (2015 Impact Report). The 2015 Impact Report demonstrates that the nation has made clear progress in improving the healthcare delivery system to achieve the three aims of better care, smarter spending, and healthier people.
By Kelley Sullivan – The Facebook generation, the glued to their phone generation, the “ME ME ME” generation – the millennials. Millennials have certainly received their fair share of criticism – just check out 2014’s Time article for an example! But are they the answer to bringing health technology to the forefront?
If you’re a regular HITECH Answers reader you’re no doubt familiar with Joy Rios. Joy writes for us regularly and is a SME on meaningful use, PQRS and CQM programs. Joy will be instructing an upcoming online course on PQRS/CQM Project Management.
The AHRQ-funded Multi-Center Medication Reconciliation Quality Improvement Study (MARQUIS) has produced an implementation manual to help hospitals improve medication reconciliation practices.
Your attendance at DocuSign® MOMENTUM 2015 places you at the forefront of the digital transformation of business. With a multitude of sessions and solutions, DocuSign MOMENTUM 2015 has content that will help you accelerate your digital transformation.
By Melissa Salm – Once hospital staff members and physicians became accustomed to EHR technology, they and their patients reaped the many benefits offered by switching from paper to digital health records.
The application period is now open for a new Request for Proposals from MeHI, the Massachusetts eHealth Institute at MassTech, to increase the effective use of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) in the Long-Term and Post-Acute Care (LTPAC) sector.