Articles by Roberta Mullin

Preparing for Integrating Patient-Generated Data into an EHR

By William van Doornik – Patient portals, mobile apps, secure text messaging, and email are increasing collaboration between providers and patients in new ways. Meaningful Use Stage 3 proposed requirements will likely be a driving force in determining how patient generated data (PGD) will be interpreted, used, and integrated into electronic health records (EHRs).

The Practical Use of the Healthcare Analytics Adoption Model

By Jared Crapo – I spend a lot of time talking to healthcare organizations about analytics and the practical uses of implementing an analytics adoption model. Oftentimes, though, these discussions turn to other related topics, such as data warehousing, dashboards, natural language processing, Hadoop, population health, meaningful use reporting, predictive modeling, and lots of stuff in between.

Keeping Employees Happy During System Implementations

By Kathryn Williamson – Implementing a new patient management system is a huge investment in terms of time and dollars. It can also be very stressful on all involved. Changes in the healthcare climate often contribute to an organization’s decision to implement a new system in an effort to meet current and future healthcare mandates.