Articles by Roberta Mullin

On Day 12: Drum Roll Please

Today we conclude our 12 Days of Christmas posts with warm wishes to all this holiday season. And here is our holiday list we put together hoping you might find a few of these under the tree. Here’s to a great 2015.

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Follow These Tips into 2015

Day 11 of our 12 Days of Christmas Posts has us following these Pipers bearing gifts of tips for our successful implementation and use of health IT. From mobile devices to the cloud, from EHRs to secure messaging take another look at these tips we have discussed this year.

A “Leap” Year for the HHS and the ONC

Day 10 of our 12 Days of Christmas Posts we have our health IT agency lords of leaping. And leap they did in a year that saw major departures including top spots for both HHS and the ONC. We’ve checked the list twice, all departures seemed nice, so see who’s new and who said adieu.

Health IT Through the Movies

Day 8 of our 12 Days of Christmas Posts we look to Hollywood for inspiration as we continue to milk some of the year’s biggest health IT stories of 2014, including the continued battle over Stage 2 reporting period and the looming ICD-10 transition.