Articles by Roberta Mullin

Health IT Business News – December 16, 2014

DataMotion™ announced it has achieved accreditation with the Direct Trusted Agent Accreditation Program (DTAAP) as both a Certificate Authority (CA) and Registration Authority (RA) from and the Electronic Healthcare Network Accreditation Commission (EHNAC).

What Is A Medical Grade Computer?

Technology is always changing in the medical industry. New medical devices, drugs, and techniques are constantly emerging. Not all innovations lead to improved patient care or lower operating costs, but many of them do so your health care operations needs to stay current with the latest breakthroughs.

Walkin’ In a Winter Health IT Land

Today marks the start of our annual line up of 12 Days of Christmas Posts. From now through December 25th we’ll be featuring all of our favorite things that made 2014 so meaningful to us and to the world of health IT.