Reporting Once for Multiple Medicare Quality Reporting Programs
New Resources Explaining How If you are participating in multiple Medicare quality reporting programs in 2014, there is a new interactive CMS tool that will…
Read MoreNew Resources Explaining How If you are participating in multiple Medicare quality reporting programs in 2014, there is a new interactive CMS tool that will…
Read MoreHIPAA-HITECH Blue Ribbon Panel to Discuss Risk Analysis and Risk Management Live Web Event Thursday, May 29, 4:30 pm EDT/3:30 PM CDT HHS/OCR has signaled loud…
Today’s Business News Spring is in the air as some of the industry’s leading companies merge and partner with each other to expand their health…
CMS and ONC Communication CMS and ONC released a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) that would allow providers participating in the EHR Incentive Programs to…
Wasted Spending on Medical Tests By Edward Keiper, President and CEO of Velocity The call to action has been issued. One of the primary sources of wasted…
ICD-10 Coding Basics Medicare Fee-For-Service The following is correspondence from CMS. On Wednesday, June 4, at 1:30-3pm ET, the Medicare Learning Network will be hosting…
The Power of Data: Igniting meaningful, scalable, and sustainable change Wednesday, May 21st, 1:00 EDT If you’ve missed any of Dr. John Haughom’s healthcare transformation…
Master of Science in Healthcare Informatics Using a picture and visual graphics to represent data and information is called an infographic. It is a great…
At the Crossroads: Technology and Transformation in Healthcare #DoMoreHIT On March 18, 2014, Dell Health hosted a day long Think Tank, Technology and Transformation in…