Implementing Privacy, Security, and Compliance in Healthcare
I Brake for Snakes But Not Zombies David Finn, Health IT Officer at Symantec LinkedIn Profile Texas certainly has its share of colorful bumper stickers….
Read MoreI Brake for Snakes But Not Zombies David Finn, Health IT Officer at Symantec LinkedIn Profile Texas certainly has its share of colorful bumper stickers….
Read MoreONC Mostashari Invites You to Joint Webinar On March 3rd the ONC formally requested information and comments on Advancing Interoperability and Health Information Exchange. Comments…
Last week, the American Hospital Association and the American Medical Association sent a joint letter to HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius asking for greater flexibility in…
Respected national thought leaders provide strategic input on NeHC patient engagement efforts National eHealth Collaborative (NeHC) today announced the members of its newly appointed Consumer Engagement Advisory…
ONC Testifies to the Senate and Reports to Congress Well I know, the ONC is already in Washington but they have been spending some time…
3rd Annual HIT100 List and Our First Degree of Separation The #HIT100 list was started by Michael Planchart, The EHR Guy, @theEHRGuy. People vote on…
How would Your Practice Protect Kim’s Information? By Ron Sterling Sterling Solutions Recently, several employees of Cedars Sinai Medical Center were fired for improperly accessing…
CMS eHealth: Provider Resources In March, CMS launched the CMS eHealth web site to consolidate reporting requirements for various health IT initiatives and incentive programs….
Recapping our Week of Patient Engagement While we will continue to bring you news and resources on stage 2 meaningful use and patient engagement, here…