Join a Federal Advisory Committee Workgroup
ONC launches HIT-FACA Workgroup Application Database A Federal advisory committee is any committee, board, commission, council, panel, task force, or other similar group that advises…
Read MoreONC launches HIT-FACA Workgroup Application Database A Federal advisory committee is any committee, board, commission, council, panel, task force, or other similar group that advises…
Read MoreThis Week’s Health IT Business News Can online social networks help get you healthier? GE Healthcare will look at this question as part of their…
Healtheway Assumes Operations of eHealth Exchange The Nationwide Health Information Network Exchange, which was formerly known as the NHIN Cooperative, is a group of stakeholders…
Healthcare Risk Management Perspective on Social Media by Doug Pollack, ID Experts I attended a session at this week’s ASHRM titled Social Media in Hospitals:…
Report Makes ICD-10 Implementation Recommendations HIMSS G7 is a World Bank-endorsed thought leadership group that meets three times a year to address financial viability and futures of…
Blue Button Mash Up Challenge Winners On Monday this week the ONC announced the winners of two Blue Button Mash Up Challenges designed to improve…
Healtheway Assumes Operations of eHealth Exchange The Nationwide Health Information Network Exchange, which was formerly known as the NHIN Cooperative, is a group of stakeholders…
Politics and Health Reform On October 4Â Politico hosted a conversation about the role and future of accountable care organizations and their effect on providers and…
Helping Behavioral Health Care Provides Make Effective Use of Health IT The ONC Behavioral Health Initiative combines programs and resources that help providers make effective…