CMS Reports EHR Incentive Program Status
August EHR Incentive Program Numbers Posted Just the Facts from Joe Friday The numbers and facts you are about to see are all true… As…
Read MoreAugust EHR Incentive Program Numbers Posted Just the Facts from Joe Friday The numbers and facts you are about to see are all true… As…
Read MorePrepare Now for the Affordable Care Act (ACA) The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was upheld by the Supreme Court in June of this year. No…
Meet us at MGMA in San Antonio This years MGMA annual conference will be the first since the Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) and the…
Blue Button is a Big Deal by Regina Holliday In 2010, patient advocate and social media rock-star e-Patient Dave (Dave de Bronkart) walked over to…
e-Health Literacy Linked to Use of PHRs The AHIMA Foundation is a non-profit affiliation of AHIMA with a mission to provide resources to support innovation in…
National Provider Call  on New CQMs and New Reporting methods for Stage 2 Meaningful Use On Wednesday, October 24, 2012, from 12:30–2pm ET, CMS will host…
Massachusetts eHealth Collaborative (MAeHC) Kicks off HIway The Massachusetts eHealth Collaborative (MAeHC), a non-profit pioneer and leader in healthcare delivery through health information technology, announced…
HIEs and Patient Matching Noam Arzt, PhD, president and founder of HLN Consulting Health Information Exchanges (HIEs) represent a collection of organizations that choose to…
Reactions to Call for HHS to Stop EHR Incentives In a letter dated October 4th, four GOP Congressional Committee Chairmen wrote to HHS Secretary Sebilus…