Physician Specialists Exemptions and Achieving Meaningful Use
The Stage 1 Meaningful Use Core and Menu Set objectives seem to make sense for a primary care provider, but what about specialists? If you…
Read MoreThe Stage 1 Meaningful Use Core and Menu Set objectives seem to make sense for a primary care provider, but what about specialists? If you…
Read MoreEHR Incentives Program Call for Providers Register NOW for CMS Clinical Quality Measures and EHR Incentive Program for small practice providers that will be held…
  . Just the Facts from Joe Friday The numbers you are about to see are all true… As of the end of September . 114,644 Eligible…
Sarianne Gruber MPH, MS SG Healthcare Analytics LLC The Open Government Initiative has me exploring the health-related datasets available on I recently had the…
Question Two from Specialists about Meaningful Use Last week we took a look a the most common question from Specialists about meaningful use. This week…
The MGMA 2011 Conference in Las Vegas starts October 23rd and the “Focus is on You”. The conference and exhibit boasts more than 100 educational…
Health Information IT directly from the ONC TODAY from 8-3 EST, the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) will participate in “Putting…
Number One Question from Specialists about Meaningful Use There are two questions from Eligible Professional specialists about the CMS EHR Incentives that I’m asked over…
John Lynn of EMRandHIPAA is at it again. Â Following his successful string of New Media Meetups at HIMSS the past several years he is taking…