Articles by Roberta Mullin

Sorting out AI, ML, DL, and NLP

This is our ongoing reporting on how AI is being integrated into healthcare technology. We are seeking out the thought leaders and innovations that are moving the needle forward which include January AI, OSF Healthcare, BrainChip Inc., NaNose, Perimeter Medical Imaging AI, Inc., Vocalis Health & more.

What’s Happening at the ONC – 02-27-21

Supporting the adoption of health IT and the promotion of nationwide health information exchange to improve health care, here is what is happening at the ONC, including an upcoming information session webinar to learn more about the LEAP in Health IT SEN, registration for the ONC Annual Meeting 2021 is now open, & one week left to participate in the Challenge Competition on Synthetic Health Data.

HIE Rundown – 2-16-21

Your personal health information is moving and being viewed to improve the quality of your healthcare and lower the costs. The job will not be complete until all health records are digital and interoperable. Here’s what’s happening to make that reality.

Friday at Five – More of 5 Things You Should Know

Is five a magic number that people will click on to find out what’s on the list? Is it just the right number you think you have the time to read? I don’t know but there are lots of lists out there with 5 things you should know. These got me to click through and [...]

Sorting out AI, ML, DL, and NLP

This is our ongoing reporting on how AI is being integrated into healthcare technology. We are seeking out the thought leaders and innovations that are moving the needle forward which include PhysIQ,, Prealize Health, VirtualHealth, Greenlight Guru, Nuance Communications, Inc., EarlySense, Virtua Health, Biobeat, Bioclinica, & OncoHost.