Articles by Roberta Mullin

Sorting out AI, ML, DL, and NLP

This is our ongoing reporting on how AI is being integrated into healthcare technology. We are seeking out the thought leaders and innovations that are moving the needle forward which include Novarad, Covera Health, Optum, Cloudmed, Patient Forecaster, See-Mode Technologies, 98point6, & GE Healthcare.

What’s Happening at the ONC – 11-06-20

Supporting the adoption of health IT and the promotion of nationwide health information exchange to improve health care, here is what is happening at the ONC, including the release of the 2020-2025 Federal Health IT Strategic Plan, an informational webinar on 11/9 about the plan, the Cures Rules compliance dates and timeframes extended & more.

Talent Tuesday – Special Edition: Association Hires

Latest announcements made from associations and organizations on hiring and appointments including, SHIEC, The Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology, the American Hospital Association, the American College of Medical Informatics, & the Medical Group Management Association.

Monday Morning Rounds with CMS

In case you missed it, this is recent communication from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Subscribe to their email lists to keep up to date on all press and news releases.

HIE Rundown – 10-27-20

Your personal health information is moving and being viewed to improve the quality of your healthcare and lower the costs. The job will not be complete until all health records are digital and interoperable. Here’s what’s happening to make that reality.

Monday Morning Rounds with CMS

In case you missed it, this is recent communication from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Subscribe to their email lists to keep up to date on all press and news releases.

Sorting out AI, ML, DL, and NLP

This is our ongoing reporting on how AI is being integrated into healthcare technology. We are seeking out the thought leaders and innovations that are moving the needle forward which include Olive, GE Healthcare, Saykara, Nephrology Associates,, Endpoint Health, BUDDI.AI, & Vanderbilt University Medical Center.