Analytics and Pop Health

Telehealth, ePrescribing and EHR Adoption Infographics

Infographics are great way to display statistical data that shows comparisons or charts that come from research and reports. In these infographics see what’s important to physicians when in comes to teleheath, how e-prescribing can reduce errors, fraud and abuse, and see the history of electronic health records and how they may improve your health and health care in the future.

Meaningful Use Ending? Yes and No

By William Hersh MD – The HIT world was shaken to its core by Andy Slavitt, Acting Administrator of CMS, who announced that the CMS Meaningful Use program was over. More precisely, he stated, “The Meaningful Use program as it has existed, will now be effectively over and replaced with something better.”

Annual Reflections at the End of 2015

By William Hersh – As regular readers of this blog know, I traditionally end each year with a posting reflecting back on the past year. While this year has been another great success for myself and our informatics program at Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU), it has been somewhat of a transitional year for the informatics field. Many of the new and exciting initiatives in the informatics field from recent years are no longer novel, with some now settling into “midlife” and others being called out for retirement.