Analytics and Pop Health

Is there a Difference Between Informatics and Data Science?

By William Hersh MD – I am increasingly asked to describe the difference between data science and biomedical informatics. Distinguishing these disciplines takes on added importance with the recent publication of the NIH Advisory Committee to the Director, National Library of Medicine (NLM) Working Group, report on the future of the NLM, which calls for NLM to become a leader in data science at NIH.

The Science of Population Health

By Sarianne Gruber – Having once been a graduate student in Epidemiology and Public Health, certain books still remain my bookshelf as iconic references for studying disease and our healthcare system. There is the bright orange, soft covered, Foundations of Epidemiology by the father and son team Abraham M. Lilienfeld and David E. Lilienfeld, a relic from the required reading list.

Big Data for a Big Problem: Putting Data To Work To Tackle Obesity

By Edward L. Hunter – The obesity epidemic has far-reaching consequences: it is a primary driver of continually climbing health care costs, it foreshadows an unhealthier and costlier workforce that will burden global economic competitiveness, and it is reversing more than a century of progress in which each generation lived longer and healthier lives than the one before it.