Analytics and Pop Health

Bad Billing

By David R. Burda – A short research letter recently published in the Journal of the American Medical Association supports the idea that it’s providers and payers, not patients, that have created the revenue cycle mayhem.

Medicare Advantage Is a Burst Pipe

By David R. Burda – The money flowing from Medicare into Medicare Advantage is like water gushing out of a frozen pipe. Here are the latest numbers from CMS, which released its annual national health expenditure figures on Dec. 13, 2023.

Catching Up on Alternative Payment Models

By David R. Burda – HCPLAN’s latest annual report is another reminder that the transition to APMs has stalled out. Many consider HCPLAN’s annual report as the gold standard for measuring the transition to APMs. It breaks down payment models into four categories.

How Generative AI Can Support Value-based Care

By Rahul Sharma – A 360-degree view of the patient is essential in providing clinicians, payers, and patients themselves with actionable insights that can lead to improved outcomes. Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly playing major roles in data digitization, prediction analytics, and decision support systems.

AI in Healthcare News and Updates

This month’s AI report includes news and updates from John Snow Labs,, Project Data Sphere, BostonGene, Prisma Health, Deepcell, NVIDIA, Option Care Health, Palantir Technologies, Stratipath, Proscia, DermaSensor, Sensydia, Cerebras Systems, Mayo Clinic, Caregility, Infermedica, athenahealth, GE HealthCare, CodaMetrix, & more.