Regulatory Issues

2024 Call for MIPS Improvement Activities is Open

CMS encourages you to submit improvement activities for consideration for future years of the Merit-based Incentive Payment System. The MIPS Annual Call for Improvement Activities process allows clinicians, professional associations and medical societies that represent clinicians, researchers, consumer groups, and others to identify and submit activities.

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What’s Happening at the ONC

Supporting the adoption of health IT and the promotion of nationwide health information exchange to improve health care, here is what is happening at the ONC, including 2 new funding areas for LEAP, comment opportunity on the draft 2024-2030 Federal HealthIT Strategic Plan, and a upcoming quarterly ONC Health IT Certification Program Developer Roundtable.

ONC @ 20: A Tale of Optimism and Humility

By Steven Posnack – Hey class, it’s time to jump in the Wayback Machine. In this case, I literally had to use the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine to rummage for this post’s content in honor of ONC’s 20th anniversary.

Enhancing Healthcare Interoperability

By Scott Bohon & Ashley Hain – There has been significant progress in interoperability among providers for treatment purposes, and while there is still considerable work to do, we now need to broaden our scope to also focus on payer-provider interoperability.