MIPS: Quality Measures – Let the Chooser Beware
By Jim Tate – For the 2017 MACRA & MIPS reporting year the greatest impact on an Eligible Clinician’s MIPS score will be the Quality Category. CMS provides the following instructions:
Read MoreBy Jim Tate – For the 2017 MACRA & MIPS reporting year the greatest impact on an Eligible Clinician’s MIPS score will be the Quality Category. CMS provides the following instructions:
Read MoreBy Anshu Jindal – The MACRA 2018 Final Rule for year-two of Quality Payment Program was released recently. Some changes were retained from the 2018 proposed rule, some were deferred till 2019, while in some cases the approach outlined in the 2017 Final Rule was adopted instead.
CMS finalized the cancellation of the mandatory hip fracture and cardiac bundled payment models that were to be operated by the CMS Innovation Center and implemented changes to the Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement Model.
Reading and sorting through all the facts and analysis about the 2018 final rule for the QPP is a heavy lift. Here is the first of more to come on some key sites, resources, and experts on the subject.
Providers and health plans use a variety of different formats for conducting electronic transactions. HIPAA Administrative Simplification transaction standards work towards reducing the variable formats, making it easier for data to be shared and transferred.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services announced the 2018 premiums, deductibles, and coinsurance amounts for the Medicare Part A and Part B programs.
By Dr. Pawan Jindal – There are generally two ways to participate in MIPS in 2017: as an Individual or as a Group. Beginning 2018, there will be a third option available to individuals and small groups called the “Virtual Group”. The definition of Virtual Group comes from the definition of ‘virtual’ and ‘group’.
By Kimberly Brandt – The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services is committed to reducing improper payments in all of its programs, as evidenced by improper payment reduction efforts contained in the Fiscal Year 2018 President’s Budget.
By Dr. Pawan Jindal – A significant addition to the scoring component in 2018 is the “Improvement Scoring” bonus points for the Quality and the Cost categories. As the name suggests, these are bonus points available in 2018.