Special Session of ABCs of MIPS on CMS Proposed Rule
Join us for this special session of the ABCs of MIPS to review the newly released CMS 2018 Quality Payment Program proposed rule. Register now for this June 27th event.
Read MoreJoin us for this special session of the ABCs of MIPS to review the newly released CMS 2018 Quality Payment Program proposed rule. Register now for this June 27th event.
Read MoreIn the ICD-9 era, there were universally accepted benchmarks to measure coding professionals’ productivity. Now, more than 18 months after the ICD-10 implementation date, the challenge is to do the same for the new coding system.
CMS has revamped the look of the Quality Payment Program website, and also posted new resources to help clinicians successfully participate in the first year of the Quality Payment Program.
The ONC oversees health IT standards and policies, including secure health data exchange would face a 36 percent budget cut reducing its budget from $60 million to $38 million. Full-time staff would be cut from 188 employees to 162.
By Phil Galewitz – The Trump administration has given states three extra years to carry out plans for helping elderly and disabled people receive Medicaid services without being forced to go into nursing homes.
By William A. Hyman – Readers in this space are well aware of cybersecurity threats, and the need for affirmative security activities to prevent threats from becoming crises. Risk assessment is part of this agenda…
Providers who have not demonstrated meaningful use successfully in a prior year and are seeking to demonstrate meaningful use for the first time in 2017 to avoid the 2018 payment adjustment must attest to Modified Stage 2 objectives and measures.
Q&A with Timothy Mills – At the end of the day, physicians want to do what’s in the best interest of patients. Physician practices are eager to make the transition to value-based care, but fee-for-service continues to rule that visit and how the physician gets reimbursed.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services issued a proposed rule that would update 2018 Medicare payment and policies when patients are admitted into hospitals.