Regulatory Issues

Moving Toward Improved Care Through Information

By Karen B. DeSalvo MD & Andy Slavitt – Seven years ago, Congress passed a law to spur the country to digitize the health care experience for Americans and connect doctor’s practices and hospitals, thereby modernizing patient care through the Electronic Health Records (EHRs) Incentive Programs, also known as “Meaningful Use.”

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CMS Monday Morning Rounds 4-25-16

CMS is reporting these events and information on payment issues concerning Medicare and Medicaid. News includes updates on IPPS and LTCH Proposed Rule , Medicare Advantage quality data, Next Generation ACO Model, and Open Payment Data.

CMS Monday Morning Rounds 4-11-16

CMS is reporting these events and information on payment issues concerning Medicare and Medicaid. News includes updates on eCQM library and eCQI resources, SNF Value-Based Purchasing Program, Medicare Shared Savings Program, and the Clinical Laboratory Fee Schedule.