Regulatory Issues

2016 PQRS Educational Materials Now Available

CMS is pleased to announce the posting of several 2016 PQRS educational materials. PQRS is a quality reporting program that encourages individual eligible professionals (EPs) and group practices to report information on the quality of care to Medicare.

Reflections on CMS and the Successful Implementation of ICD-10

By Andy Slavitt – It was early 2015 and we had just gotten through a second successful season with, the turnaround that originally brought me into government, when the articles and letters started flying on our next big implementation – one that would affect nearly every physician and hospital in the country. And, anxiety levels were high.

Our Next Chapter for Standards and Technology

By Steven Posnack – The health IT landscape has changed considerably since the HITECH Act. The Nationwide Interoperability Roadmap is now front and center and we’re in a period of transition prompted by MACRA. We have also seen exciting and impactful industry work take shape like the development of HL7® FHIR® and the Argonaut Project.