The June 2015 HIT Standards Committee
By John Halamka MD – The June 2015 HIT Standards Committee focused on celebrating the accomplishments of those individuals who have reached their federal advisory committee term limits.
Read MoreBy John Halamka MD – The June 2015 HIT Standards Committee focused on celebrating the accomplishments of those individuals who have reached their federal advisory committee term limits.
Read MoreMultiple bills have been introduced in Congress that create a “safe harbor” for physicians by prohibiting claims from being denied “due solely to the use of an unspecified or inaccurate [ICD-10] subcode” (H.R.2247) or “for errors, mistakes or malfunctions” relating to submissions of ICD-10 codes (H.R. 2652).
Join HITECH Answers and WEDI for our upcoming thought leadership webinar to look at ICD-10 readiness challenges, best practices and case studies as the industry prepares for the October 1, 2015 transition.
In a recently released report, the Federal Health Architecture’s (FHA) Federal Health Information Model (FHIM) was reviewed by The Open Group Healthcare Forum, a forum of The Open Group – a global consortium of more than 450 organizations focused on achieving business objectives through IT standards.
By David McCallie – I have been honored to have served on the HIT Standards Committee from its beginning in 2009. As I reach my term limits, I have reflected on what we have all learned over the past six years of helping to define the standards for the certified EHR technology that lies behind the Meaningful Use program.
Calling all developers and entrepreneurs. Check out these healthcare related challenges for prize money from CHIME, HHS Idea Lab, Aetna Foundation, eHealth Initiative, and PriMed.
By John Halamka MD – In my previous writing, I’ve suggested that the federal government co-opted our Clinical IT agenda over the past three years with Meaningful Use Stage 2, ICD-10, the HIPAA Omnibus Rule, and the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
MeHI, the Massachusetts eHealth Institute at MassTech, has launched a new grant program to strengthen the collaborative technology-based connections between healthcare settings in regions across the Commonwealth.
This summer will mark the 50th anniversary of the enactment of Amendments to the Social Security Act that established the Medicare and Medicaid programs. Over the next 50 days, CMS will recognize the impact these two programs have had in transforming our nation’s health care system.