Regulatory Issues

The April 2015 HIT Standards Committee Meeting

By John Halamka – The April 2015 HITSC meeting focused on the Certification Rule NPRM and a comprehensive review of the Federal Interoperability Roadmap. I suggested that a guiding principle for the committee’s work is to emphasize the enablers in the proposals while reducing those aspects that create substantial burden/slow innovation. As a federal advisory committee our job is to temper regulatory ambition with operational reality.

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Meaningful Use Audits 2.0

By Jim Tate – Most of us have gotten pretty used to the Meaningful Use (MU) audits being conducted by Figliozzi & Company. They are the folks that have been conducting the CMS EHR Incentive audits for both eligible hospitals (EH) and professionals (EP) involved in the Medicare or dually-eligible Medicare/Medicaid EHR incentive programs.

WEDI Survey: ICD-10 Delay Gives Healthcare More Times but Less Readiness

By Sarianne Gruber – In a letter from Mr. Jim Daley, Past–Chair of WEDI, to Sylvia Mathews Burwell, Secretary Department of Health and Human Services, Daley accounts that the “delay has had a negative impact on some readiness activities”. The Workgroup for Electronic Data Interchange (WEDI) released the results of its February 2015 ICD-10 Industry Readiness Survey.

Lost in Translation: SGR and ICD-10

In the film Lost in Translation as the end of their time together approaches, Scarlett Johansson tells Bill Murray “Reality changes things…we can’t stay here forever.” One of the core reforms in the SGR bill (H.R. 2) is a move from a physician payment system that rewards volume to one that rewards value. The move to measuring and paying for value means the reality of SGR has changed things.