Regulatory Issues

Perception vs. Reality: Physicians and ICD-10

According to French abstract artist Robert Delaunay, “Our understanding is correlative to our perception.” Many in the healthcare community may have the perception that all physicians oppose the transition to ICD-10. That is simply not true.

$28 Billion Gone Out the HITECH Window

By Donna Cusano – In 2009, the US Congress enacted the HITECH Act, as part of a much broader recovery measure (ARRA or ‘the stimulus’), authorizing the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to spend up to $35 billion to expand health IT and create a network of interoperable EHRs.

Floodgates in Stage 3 of Meaningful Use

By John D’Amore – Prepare for a data deluge. Stage 3 of Meaningful Use will provide unprecedented access and interoperability of clinical information in electronic health records. In this article, we highlight several key considerations of the new proposed regulation for health information technology, published here on March 20, 2015.

Positioning ICD-10 for Physician Preparedness

By Sarianne Gruber – Just last week we were hearing rumblings from Congress that there could be a delay in the ICD-10 compliance date, similar to last year when in was moved to October 1, 2015. Bill and I had scheduled some time on Friday to catch up, and I was anxious to hear his perspective.

Deloitte 2014 Survey of US Physicians

By Sarianne Gruber – Based on the opinions of 561 physicians, the results of the 2014 Survey of U.S. Physicians examines current and expected levels of Value-Based Care (VBC) and what physicians need to feel more confident about VBC participation. This research was conducted by the Deloitte Center for Health Solutions (DCHS), the research division of Deloitte LLP’s Life Science and Health Care practice.