Regulatory Issues

Is Your Small Practice Ready for ICD-10?

By Kathryn Disney-Etienne – It’s 193 days to ICD-10 and to be honest, that’s not much time! It’s time to get your practice ready to use ICD-10, but where do you begin? There’s no question it can be overwhelming! Here’s the steps we recommend to any Providers that ask. Let’s get started.

The March HIT Standards Committee

By John Halamka, MD – The March 2015 HIT Standards Committee was one of the most impactful meetings we have ever had. No, it was not the release of Meaningful Use Stage 3 or the certification rule. It was the creation of a framework that will guide all of our work for the next several years – everything we need for a re-charted standards harmonization convening body as well as a detailed interoperability roadmap, complementing the 10 year general plan developed by ONC.

Why Health Information Must Be Available Where and When Consumers Need It

By Angela Kennedy – One year ago, I found myself putting in relentless effort to compile an accurate medical record for my daughter after she was diagnosed with the genetic disease Cystic Fibrosis at age 11. I experienced many frustrations in my attempt to gather my child’s medical records. Due to an incorrect entry in my daughter’s medical record, the inheritable condition was overlooked.