Coalition to Brief Congress on ICD-10 Transition
Join the Coalition for ICD-10 at a Capitol Hill Briefing on February 10 at 1:30 PM ET. Hear from physicians and other experts about implementation…
Read MoreJoin the Coalition for ICD-10 at a Capitol Hill Briefing on February 10 at 1:30 PM ET. Hear from physicians and other experts about implementation…
Read MoreONC created a roadmap infographic showing where we are now and where we are going from the Shared Nationwide Interoperability Roadmap. See what is in store for the next decade.
By John Halamka, MD – CMS announced their intent to update the Medicare and Medicaid EHR Incentive Programs for 2015 and beyond. ONC released the Interoperability Roadmap and the Standards Advisory. A busy week. What does it all mean?
By Tricia Lee Wilkins & Meghan Gabriel – Over the past couple of years, EPCS – the electronic prescribing of controlled substances – has increased dramatically. This has potential benefits for both patients and health care system costs.
By John Halamka, MD – The January HIT Standards Committee focused on two important topics, the future of the Standards and Interoperability (S&I) Framework and the standards needed for provenance i.e. who generated the data and I can I trust it?
By Robert Rowley, MD. Health information exchange (the verb) has been the goal of health IT, now that we have moved into the “post-EHR adoption” era of healthcare. Published and private surveys have shown that about 80% of physician practices have implemented an Electronic Health Record (EHR)…
By Joy Rios, Health IT Consultant at Ask Joy Health IT Consulting Twitter: @askjoyrios This year, as you may already know, both hospitals and physician…
The ONC released Connecting Health and Care for the Nation: A Shared Nationwide Interoperability Roadmap Version 1.0. The draft Roadmap is a proposal to deliver better care and result in healthier people through the safe and secure exchange and use of electronic health information.
By Patrick Conway MD – CMS is pleased to announce our intent to engage in rulemaking to update the Medicare and Medicaid Electronic Health Record (EHR) Incentive Programs beginning in 2015. These intended changes would help to reduce the reporting burden on providers, while supporting the long term goals of the program.