Healthcare CIOs Praise ONC for Standards ‘Playbook’
Building on the announcement from HHS, pledging much-needed changes to the Meaningful Use program, healthcare IT leaders praised the release of the Office of the…
Read MoreBuilding on the announcement from HHS, pledging much-needed changes to the Meaningful Use program, healthcare IT leaders praised the release of the Office of the…
Read MoreBy Ric Sinclair – ICD-10 is often described in scary terms—a potential disaster, a perfect storm, an angry attacker bent on destroying your practice. OK, maybe not that last one. But as you ready your organization for ICD-10, consider applying some of the principles of Krav Maga.
Breaking News: The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) intends to engage in rulemaking this spring to help ensure providers continue to meet meaningful…
To qualify for Meaningful Use, improve patient engagement, and prepare for value-based reimbursement, nearly 40% of all physicians are looking to switch EHRs. Many have put it off because this big switch is very challenging.
By John Halamka, MD Twitter: @jhalamka As I travel across the country and listen to CIOs struggling with mandates from Meaningful Use to ICD-10 to…
By Jim Tate – The transition for Eligible Hospitals (EH) from Stage 1 to Stage 2 Meaningful Use (MU) certainly has challenges. Six months ago I had imagined that patient engagement requirements would be the troublemaker. After all, getting patients to come to the hospital patient portal was a whole new ball of wax.
By Lee Barrett – Some say there’s nothing like a little controversy to spark interest in your organization. Others say there’s no such thing as bad publicity. Call me old fashioned, but I contend, in healthcare, being featured on the Office for Civil Rights’ Wall of Shame or plastered on a news headline about a breach of personal health information (PHI) bad publicity, bad business and bad medicine.
ZirMed®, the premier cloud-based enterprise financial and clinicalperformance solution for healthcare, announced results from its latest ICD-10 end-to-end testing efforts. After surveying its clients, ZirMed found overall that those who have started testing have gainedconfidence in their ICD-10 coding strategy and found additional areas for testing in 2015.
AAFP has provided comments on the Federal Health IT Strategic Plan. In a letter to the ONC, the association supports the goals of the Strategic Plan but says population health management, care coordination, and patient engagement need more attention.