Regulatory Issues

Mounting Efforts to Delay ICD-10 Go Down Swinging

By Chuck Buck – Despite a significant lobbying effort mounted by a small but very vocal minority within the healthcare industry, the implementation of ICD-10 is expected to proceed without further delay. The failed push marked a third attempt to delay the Oct. 1, 2015 ICD-10 implementation deadline well into 2017.

New Report Indicates ICD-10 Delay Has Hurt Provider Readiness

The Workgroup for Electronic Data Interchange (WEDI), has released its findings from a August 2014 ICD-10 Industry Readiness Survey. WEDI has been conducting ICD-10 readiness surveys since 2009. The surveys measure industry progress and help identify where providers may be struggling with compliance.

Interoperability and the Future of Care Delivery

By Tee Green – The healthcare industry has done a remarkable job of replacing traditional paper charts with electronic health records (EHRs). Information that used to be sharable only by the most rudimentary means — it’s been said that fax machines lasted so long only because of healthcare — is now captured and stored electronically in a readily transmittable form.