Regulatory Issues

The Greater Good and ICD-10

By Rosann M. O’Dell – In May of 1990, the 43rd World Health Assembly of the World Health Organization endorsed the International Classification of Diseases 10th Revision (ICD-10) and recommended it for international use.

The Assignment of Meaningful Use Incentives

It sounds fairly simple and straight forward. Medicaid and Medicare eligible professionals (EP) who have achieved and attested to meaningful use (MU) can assign their incentive payment to another entity. CMS lays it right out there “However, under Medicare, eligible professionals (EPs) may choose to assign their incentive payments to their employer or entity with which the EP has a contractual arrangement.

Coalition for ICD-10 Responds to AMA

In his recent speech to the AMA House of Delegates, AMA president Dr. Robert Wah characterized the planned implementation of ICD-10 as analogous to the dark forces controlling the galaxy in the movie Star Wars: “If it was a droid, ICD-10 would serve Darth Vader… For more than a decade, the AMA kept ICD-10 at bay – and we want to freeze it in carbonite!”