Will HITECH Act EHR Incentives Be Cut?
HITECH Act and the Super Committee On August 2, the enactment of the Budget Control Act of 2011 created unprecedented legislation to conclude the debt…
Read MoreHITECH Act and the Super Committee On August 2, the enactment of the Budget Control Act of 2011 created unprecedented legislation to conclude the debt…
Read MoreEHR Certification Seals Round Two I often wonder why I do so much research on certain subject matters. I will never stop being amazed at…
The Open Secret on Certified EHRs There is an Open Secret: CMS knows it. ONC knows it. Certainly the ONC-ATCBs know it. The Certified Health…
Round Up of Certified EHR Technology Seals If you know anything about the US government, you know they have a law, policy, or a guideline…
Meaningful Use Incentives Dished Out Just the Facts from Joe Friday The numbers you are about to see are all true… As of August 12,…
ONC ANPRM on Metadata Standards The ONC is soliciting comments on metadata standards through an advance notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPRM) issued last week. Metadata…
Stage 2 Meaningful Use Course Corrections? Stage 2 Meaningful Use for EPs and EHs looks a long way off. We are still out of breath…
Is that an audit in your pocket, or are you just glad to see me? We knew they would be coming. We just weren’t sure…
Open Letter to ONC Regarding Temporary Certification Program One of the foundational elements of the CMS EHR Incentive Program is the use of certified EHR…