Regulatory Issues

Take the PULSE of Your Community

By Rachel Abbey – Seven years ago the ONC began work on the Patient Unified Lookup System for Emergencies. PULSE is an effort to create national resilience by improving first responder access to patient electronic health information they need to provide services and ensure public health during disasters.

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What’s Happening at the ONC – 10-11-21

Supporting the adoption of health IT and the promotion of nationwide health information exchange to improve health care, here is what is happening at the ONC, including a webinar celebrating the 6 winners of the Synthetic Health Data Challenge, the SVAP comment period has been extended until May 2, 2022 & more.

Research Results Published: More Apps are Integrating with EHRs

By Wes Barker & Christian Johnson – New ONC research shows a more than 20% rise in the number of apps that integrate with certified EHRs. A manuscript highlighting the findings of this research was recently published in the Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association: “The Ecosystem of Apps and Software integrated with Certified Health Information Technology”.

Monday Morning Rounds with CMS

In case you missed it, this is recent communication from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Subscribe to their email lists to keep up to date on all press and news releases.

The Marriage of Technology and Policy

By Yuriy Pylypchuk & Carmen Smiley – When a family member, friend, or loved one develops an opioid addiction, few people know how to respond. Similarly, it is often difficult for healthcare providers to know how to best prevent, detect, and treat opioid use disorder, and almost every provider in the country has had encounters with patients experiencing addiction.

ONC Announces Synthetic Health Data Challenge Winners

The ONC announced $100,000 in total awards to six winners of the Synthetic Health Data Challenge (Challenge). Synthetic health data (i.e., data that is artificially created to mimic real-world data), is important to researchers, health IT developers, and informaticians, among others, who need data to test new ideas until access to secure and actual clinical data is available.