Regulatory Issues

Health IT Advances Precision Medicine

By Kevin Chaney, MGS, Teresa Zayas Cabán, PhD, Courtney C. Rogers, MPH, Joshua C. Denny MD MS & Jon White – Precision medicine creates treatment and prevention strategies that meet patient needs by considering individual variability in their genome, environment, and lifestyle.

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What’s Happening at the ONC – 04-26-21

Supporting the adoption of health IT and the promotion of nationwide health information exchange to improve health care, here is what is happening at the ONC, including the Annual Meeting Recap, new Fact Sheets on FHIR API and the ONC Health IT Certification Program, updates on the Health IT Playbook, careers at the ONC & more.

Monday Morning Rounds with CMS

In case you missed it, this is recent communication from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Subscribe to their email lists to keep up to date on all press and news releases.