HIE Rundown

HIE Rundown 2-15-16

This week’s HIE rundown includes: Cal INDEX and Orion Health ‘Future Proofing’ first ever payer-led HIE, Jitterbit releases healthcare interoperability platform and solutions designed to improve patient care, and Stanford Health Care launches custom android MyHealth mobile app.

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HIE Rundown 1-21-16

This week’s HIE rundown includes: eHealth Technologies & Baystate Health announce expansion of HIE Services, drchrono partners with ZocDoc to sync medical records & online appointment booking, and Children’s Hospital Los Angeles achieves electronic medical records milestone.

HIE Rundown 12-09-15

This week’s HIE rundown includes: Validic and higi partner to advance remote patient monitoring and patient wellness initiatives, Carequality adds new members to public-private collaborative, & Stanford Children’s Health and other healthcare leaders turn to next-generation medical image management platform from DICOM Grid.

HIE Rundown 11-12-15

Health information exchange is happening all around. This week’s HIE rundown includes: Coordinated Care Oklahoma partners with Kno2, HealthGrid introduces industry’s first M-Health CRM platform, & iSpecimen and the Delaware Health Information Network (DHIN) announce novel program to support medical research.

HIE Rundown 10-22-15

Health information exchange is happening all around. This week’s HIE rundown includes: Mobile Heartbeat partners with CDW, three health information organizations join PA Patient & Provider Network, & NATE transfers Provider Trust Bundle to CAHIE.

HIE Rundown 9-29-15

Health information exchange is happening all around. This week’s HIE rundown includes: Entrada unveils major update to mobile productivity platform, Indiana Health Information Exchange and Franciscan Alliance partner to enhance interoperability, & Medfusion launches first consumer mobile app to simplify healthcare records.

HIE Rundown 9-4-15

Health information exchange is happening all around. This week’s HIE rundown includes: MEA|NEA acquires The White Stone Group, IdenTrust achieves full accreditation, & Greenway Health Partners with Premise Health’s Intel clinics.

HIE Rundown 8-14-15

This week’s rundown includes: NEHEN turns to Cognizant for technology innovation, US Coast Guard uses InterSystems as interoperability platform, & PointClickCare launches intergrated radiology results in EHR platform.

HIE Rundown 8-6-15

This week’s rundown includes: The new services and technology of The Network from Arizona Health-e Connection, Stella Technology announces quality data evaluation solution for Meaningful Clinical Data, & eClinicalWorks announces its free, electronic health record (EHR) vendor-neutral network, P2POpen.