Health Information Exchange (HIE)

HIE Rundown 5-13-16

HIE is happening every minute of every day. Your personal health information is moving and being viewed to improve the quality of your healthcare and lower the costs. Here’s what’s happening to make that reality – ONC interoperability pledge, new members join CommonWell, imaging centers connected to CORHIO.

Industry Discusses MACRA, MIPS, and APMs

Supported by a bipartisan majority and stakeholders, the MACRA legislation ended more than a decade of last-minute fixes and potential payment cliffs for Medicare doctors and clinicians. It also made numerous improvements to America’s health care system. So what does this all mean?

HIE Rundown 4-29-16

This week’s HIE rundown includes: Healthix partners with HBI Solutions, adding real-time predictive analytics to HIE offerings, Zillion releases digital health platform for enhanced consumer engagement and intervention, & NHHIO upgrades communication system, selects TigerText secure messaging platform.