Health Information Exchange (HIE)

EHR Incentive Program Deadlines

Keep up with the important dates and deadlines for the CMS Medicare and Medicaid EHR Incentive Programs. Use the CMS Interactive Timeline to stay informed on all their eHealth programs which also include quality measurement, administrative simplification, and patient outcomes/payment reform.

HIE Rundown 2-11-2015

This week’s Rundown includes: HealthLogix platform achieved the highest standards of community-wide interoperability at the 2015 IHE. CORHIO grew in participants and data by 111% and 118% respectively in 2014.

Universal Health Data and HIEs

By Robert Rowley, MD. Health information exchange (the verb) has been the goal of health IT, now that we have moved into the “post-EHR adoption” era of healthcare. Published and private surveys have shown that about 80% of physician practices have implemented an Electronic Health Record (EHR)…