Announcing the S&I Framework Initiative
New S&I Initiative — Clinical Quality Framework The Standards & Interoperability (S&I) Framework is a collaborative community of participants from the public and private sectors…
Read MoreNew S&I Initiative — Clinical Quality Framework The Standards & Interoperability (S&I) Framework is a collaborative community of participants from the public and private sectors…
Read MoreFollowing #mHealth this Week Hanging out on Twitter this week in the #mHealth feed, here are some highlights. What is the opportunity for #mHealth? ~6…
EP Medicare Payment Adjustments in 2015 Beginning January 1, 2015, Medicare eligible professionals that do not attest successfully to meaningful use of certified technology will…
A Proactive Approach to Meaningful Use Audits – Part I By Jim Tate, EMR Advocate Meaningful Use Audit Expert Twitter: @JimTate, eMail: Well, you…
Alternative Chart-Note Capture and Other Data Input Methods Robert Rowley, MD Twitter: @RRowleyMD Some very interesting trends are occurring in the health IT arena, which…
News & Updates on Your HIEs Why the SHIN-NY is Key to Combating Communicable Diseases The Statewide Health Information Network of New York (SHIN-NY) is…
Introducing the Blue Button Connector Lygeia Ricciardi, Director, Office of Consumer eHealth, ONC Adam Dole, Presidential Innovation Fellow, HHS At the HIMSS conference in Orlando…
Just the Facts from Joe Friday The numbers and facts you are about to see are all true… As of 1/31/2014 The Centers for Medicare…
Guidance Issued March 10th 2014 The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has issued guidance for eligible professionals, eligible hospitals and critical access hospitals that…