Study Finds That 30% of SMEs Lack an Incident Response Plan
By Art Gross – Cybersecurity issues have become very prevalent in the modern era, making headlines with their disasters and fines associated with them.
Read MoreBy Art Gross – Cybersecurity issues have become very prevalent in the modern era, making headlines with their disasters and fines associated with them.
Read MoreBy Jim Tate – Last week I documented yet another reason that the achievement of a high MIPS score should be Priority One for Eligible Clinicians. 2017 has been defined as the “Transition Year” for MACRA/MIPS and minimum standards have been put in place to allow minimal effort to avoid 2019 Part B adjustments.
By Munawar Abadullah – Every once in awhile the world wakes up to the news of yet another data breach of incredible proportion, providing a crude reminder that healthcare IT systems are not as secure as they should be.
By Matt Fisher – Not a day goes by (or many posts on The Pulse Blog) without a discussion of the rapid increase in data breaches impacting the healthcare industry. Information and statistics in this regard are inescapable.
By Jim Tate – We have reflected in earlier posts the critical importance of achieving a high MIPS score. Reimbursment, practice value, and professional reputation are all directly impacted by a MIPS score. Here is yet another collateral impact of a MIPS score: the ability to obtain and maintain a loan.
The Massachusetts eHealth Institute at MassTech has awarded nearly $200,000 to four qualified EHR vendors to build efficient pathways for Massachusetts behavioral health providers to electronically submit reportable data to the Commonwealth’s Children’s Behavioral Health Initiative.
By Desiree Crawford – This is a watershed moment in healthcare. New technologies are constantly in development to help treat and prevent previously incurable conditions, and improve current processes.
By David Kushan – Continuous improvement is what EHR Optimization is all about. It helps clinicians use the platform more effectively and results in greater efficiency. For example, an optimized EHR system enables physicians to move more quickly through data intake and ultimately see more patients.
By Art Gross – A recent survey found that although healthcare organizations understand the importance of protecting patient information, they often fall short on improving their security measures. An article on PR Newswire explores the findings of the Netwrix survey.