Health Innovation

Apparently 1832 Pages Weren’t Enough

By William Hyman – Back in April I commented on (mocked?) an 1832 page proposed CMS final rule with the zippy title “Medicare Program; Hospital Inpatient Prospective Payment Systems for Acute Care Hospitals and the Long-Term Care Hospital Prospective Payment System and Proposed Policy Changes and Fiscal Year 2018 Rates

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Google to Remove ePHI from its Search Results

By Jonathan Krasner – HIPAA data breaches can occur if ePHI is posted on an open web site. In that situation, not only is the ePHI available for viewing, it also can be indexed by an Internet search engine such as Google. Many data breaches have been uncovered by finding the unauthorized ePHI via a Google search.

Don’t Skimp on Training: Know Patient Rights

By Matt Fisher – What is the response when an individual submits a request to receive access to their medical record? The response can often be one of frustration over the time and effort that will go into compiling the record in response to the request.

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Your New Hire Training

By John Strosnider – You have just finished training a group of new hires and the training was a resounding success. It must have been! The trainees were engaged throughout class. They asked relevant questions. They all passed the proficiency on the first try. They left smiling and thanking you profusely.

WannaCry and NotPetya – What’s Next?

By Susan Lucci – In the wake of the WannaCry attack, we learned that ransomware attacks are not limited to a particular target. At the time, some 52% of business organizations were still running Windows XP1 even though support and patch updates ended three years ago.

EHRs Can Play Important Role in Medication Adherence

By Thomas Borzilleri – In the crowded EHR market, many vendors are looking to stand out—by offering ever-better customer service, or by adding capabilities to help providers better meet the goals of the Triple Aim. One area in which EHRs can do more is aiding providers in tackling medication adherence.